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Committee on Revision of the Penal Code

-- Last revised 7/11/24 --

Meeting of the Committee on Revision of the Penal Code

Email Notification of Meeting Materials | Prior Meeting Agendas

July 12, 2024 - 9:15 AM
Video Conferencing

Pursuant to Government Code Section 11123.5, this meeting will be conducted by Zoom teleconferencing. All members of the Committee on Revision of the Penal Code will be participating remotely via Zoom.

  • Video Conferencing: click HERE.
  • Telephone: dial: US: +1 669 444 9171 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 719 359 4580 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 309 205 3325 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 386 347 5053 or +1 564 217 2000 or +1 646 931 3860 or +1 929 436 2866 or +1 301 715 8592.
    Webinar ID: 818 7106 1684
Under Government Code Section 11124(c), if Zoom requires attendees to input a name and an email address in order to attend a videoconference, attendees may use a pseudonym and a pseudonymous email.

The meeting will be recorded and will be uploaded to the Committee’s YouTube page, after the meeting has concluded.

Members of the public may also attend, observe, hear, and participate in the meeting at the primary physical meeting location of 925 L Street, 1st Floor Conference Room, Sacramento, CA.

For further information about the meeting, or to request notification of any schedule changes, contact Debora Larrabee at 916-409-6543 or

July 12, 2024 - 9:15 AM

  1. Crime Prevention, Disruption, and Intervention and Related Matters

    Overview and Panelist Materials
    Memorandum 2024-04 (7/9/24)
         Download PDF file: Memo
    First Supplement to Memorandum 2024-4 (7/11/24)
          Download PDF file: Memo

  2. Presentation from Ari Freilich, Director, Department of Justice, Office of Gun Violence Prevention

  3. Discussion Panel 1: Crime Prevention

    • Reygan Cunningham, Co-Director, California Partnership for Safe Communities

    • David Muhammad, Executive Director, National Institute for Criminal Justice Reform

    • Mike McLively, Policy Director, Giffords Center for Violence Intervention

    • Chief Kathy Lester, Sacramento Police Department

    • Ari Freilich, Director, Department of Justice, Office of Gun Violence Prevention

  4. Discussion Panel 2: Firearm Relinquishment

    • Julia Weber, Consultant, Gifffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

    • Marisa McKeown, Deputy District Attorney, Santa Clara District Attorney

    • Michael Vidmar, Deputy District Attorney, Santa Clara District Attorney

    • Dr. Garen J. Wintemute, UC Davis, Director, Violence Prevention Research Program

    • Ari Freilich, Director, Department of Justice, Office of Gun Violence Prevention

  5. Discussion Panel 3: Trauma Recovery Centers

    • Lynda Gledhill, Executive Officer, California Victim Compensation Board

    • Katie Cardenas, Deputy Executive Officer, External Affairs and Compliance Division, California Victim Compensation Board

    • Dr. Annette Dekker Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine

    • Dr. Breena Taira, Director of Social Medicine, Olive View-UCLA Medical Center

    • Dr. Gena Castro Rodriguez, Executive Director, National Alliance for Trauma Recovery Centers

  6. Presentation from Professor Joel Caplan, Rutgers School of Criminal Justice

  7. Discussion Panel 4: Asset forfeiture

    • Anita Lee, Principal Fiscal & Policy Analyst, Legislative Analyst’s Office

    • Steven Jesse Corral, Deputy District Attorney, Alameda County District Attorney’s Office

  8. Administrative Matters

    Report of the Chair and Legal Director

    Draft Minutes of March 2024 Meeting
    Memorandum 2024-06 (7/8/24)
         Download PDF file: Memo

  9. Staff Update on Crime Statistics

    Crime Data for First Quarter 2024
    Memorandum 2024-07 (7/11/24)
         Download PDF file: Memo

    California Crime Data for 2023
    Memorandum 2024-08 (7/11/24)
         Download PDF file: Memo

  10. New Business

    The Committee will consider matters presented earlier in the meeting.

  11. Ongoing Business

    Updates on Ongoing Business
    Memorandum 2024-05 (7/8/24)
         Download PDF file: Memo

  12. General Public Comment

    The public may address the Committee. The Chair may set reasonable limits on the time allowed for each person or group to speak.