-- Last revised 01/03/24 --
Contractual Arbitration Improvements from Other Jurisdictions - Study A-100
The Commission is authorized to study the law of other jurisdictions governing
contractual arbitration, including the revised Uniform Arbitration Act (2000), to determine whether
there are any innovations or improvements that may be appropriate for adoption in California.
Professor Roger P. Alford of Pepperdine Law School serves as the Commission's consultant on this
project. He has published a background study, which was
circulated for comment.
After considering the comments on the background study, the Commission
decided to hold a stakeholder meeting to determine whether there are issues relating to contractual
arbitration that the Commission can productively study. In February 2006, the Commission considered
the results of the stakeholder meeting and decided to terminate the study.
Related Material
Meeting Minutes
- February 23, 2006 Meeting in Sacramento
- March 17-18, 2005 Meeting in Sacramento
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Staff Memoranda
- Memo 2006-06 -- Contractual Arbitration Improvements from Other Jurisdictions (Working Group Results) (1/25/2006)
- Memo 2005-13 -- Contractual Arbitration Improvements from Other Jurisdictions (Consultant's Report) (3/9/2005)
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Background Study
- Report to Law Revision Commission Regarding Recommendations for Changes to California Arbitration Law, Prof. Roger Alford [November 2004]