-- Last revised 6/12/24 --
Government Interruption of Communication Services - Study G-301
Senate Concurrent Resolution 54 (Padilla) (2013) directs the Law Revision Commission to make recommendations to clarify the law that governs state and local agency action to restrict commercially-provided communication services.
Related Material
- Final Recommendation
- Tentative Recommendation
- Commission Decisions (Meeting Minutes)
- Staff Memoranda
Final Recommendation
- Recommendation -- Government Interruption of Communication Service (December 2016)
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Tentative Recommendations and Other Requests for Comment
- Tentative Rec. -- Government Interruption of Communication Service (June 2016)
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Meeting Minutes
- December 1, 2016 Meeting in Sacramento
- September 22, 2016 Meeting in Sacramento
- June 1, 2016 Meeting in Sacramento
- April 14, 2016 Meeting in Sacramento
- February 4, 2016 Meeting in Sacramento
- August 7, 2015 Meeting in Los Angeles
- June 4, 2015 Meeting in Sacramento
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Staff Memoranda
- Memo 2016-56, Supp. 1 -- Government Interruption of Communication Service (Comments of American Civil Liberties Union and Electronic Frontier Foundation) (11/23/2016)
- Memo 2016-56 -- Government Interruption of Communication Service (Revised Draft Recommendation) (10/13/2016)
- Memo 2016-46, Supp. 1 -- Government Interruption of Communication Service (Comments of American Civil Liberties Union and Electronic Frontier Foundation) (09/16/2016)
- Memo 2016-46 -- Government Interruption of Communication Service (Draft Recommendation) (09/2/2016)
- Memo 2016-23 -- Government Interruption of Communication Service (Draft Tentative Recommendation) (05/19/2016)
- Memo 2016-15 -- Government Interruption of Communication Service (Discussion of Issues) (03/29/2016)
- Memo 2016-5, Supp. 2 -- Government Interruption of Communication Service (Discussion of Issues) (02/01/2016)
- Memo 2016-5, Supp. 1 -- Government Interruption of Communication Service (Discussion of Issues) (01/28/2016)
- Memo 2016-5 -- Government Interruption of Communication Service (Discussion of Issues) (01/26/2016)
- Memo 2015-32 -- Government Interruption of Communication Service (Discussion of Issues) (07/23/2015)
- Memo 2015-18, Supp. 1 -- Government Interruption of Communication Service (Stakeholders) (5/28/2015)
- Memo 2015-18 -- Government Interruption of Communication Service (5/21/2015)