-- Last revised 6/14/24 --
Marketable Record Title: Unrecorded Option - Study H-403
The Commission recommends a minor technical amendment to Civil Code Section 884.010, to clarify the effective period of record notice of an option to purchase real property. The recommendation has been enacted into law.
Related Material
- Legislation
- Final Recommendation
- Tentative Recommendation
- Commission Decisions (Meeting Minutes)
- Staff Memoranda
2011: Senate Bill 284 (Harman) [Marketable Record Title: Notice of Option]
Enacted. 2011 Cal. Stat. ch. 46
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Final Recommendation
- Recommendation -- Marketable Record Title: Notice of Option (October 2009)
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Tentative Recommendations and Other Requests for Comment
- Tentative Rec. -- Marketable Record Title: Notice of Option (June 2009)
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Meeting Minutes
- October 22, 2009 Meeting in Sacramento
- June 10, 2009 Meeting in Sacramento
- April 23, 2009 Meeting in Sacramento
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Staff Memoranda
- Memo 2009-43 -- Marketable Record Title: Notice of Option (Comments on Tentative Recommendation) (09/28/2009)
- Memo 2009-25, Supp. 1 -- Marketable Record Title: Notice of Option (06/03/2009)
- Memo 2009-25 -- Marketable Record Title: Notice of Option (Staff Draft Tentative Recommendation) (05/26/2009)
- Memo 2009-21 -- Marketable Record Title: Unexercisedd Option (Introduction of Study) (03/10/2009)