-- Last revised 6/14/24 --
Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act - Study H-852
As part of its larger study of common interest development ("CID") law, the Commission considered whether California should enact the Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act, as a replacement for existing CID statutory law. The Commission recommended against enacting the Uniform Act, due to the large number ofsubstantive differences between the two bodies of law. Materials relating to this topic are collected below. Materials relating to other CID-related subtopics are cataloged separately on the CID Homepage.
Related Material
Meeting Minutes
- November 21, 2003 Meeting in Burbank
Top | CLRC Homepage
Staff Memoranda
- Memo 2003-37, Supp. 1 -- Common Interest Development Law: Uniform Common Interest
Ownership Act (Comments of Carl H.Lisman) (11/26/2003)
- Memo 2003-37 -- Common Interest Development Law: Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act (10/31/2003)