-- Last revised 6/20/14 --
Commercial and Industrial Common Interest Developments - Study H-856
As part of its larger study of common interest development ("CID") law, the
Commission is studying the extent to which general CID statutory law should apply to a development
that is entirely nonresidential. Materials relating to this topic are collected below. Materials
relating to other CID-related subtopics are cataloged separately on the
CID Homepage.
If you have questions or comments on this study, send an e-mail to
Steve Cohen at scohen@clrc.ca.gov.
Related Material
- Legislation
- Final Recommendation
- Tentative Recommendation
- Commission Decisions (Meeting Minutes)
- Staff Memoranda
- Subscribe to Receive Notice of New Materials
2013: Senate Bill 752 (Roth) [Commercial and Industrial CIDs]
[Enacted as 2013 Cal. Stat. ch. 605]
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Final Recommendation
- Commercial and Industrial Common Interest Developments -- (August 2012)
Updated Disposition Tables in Word or pdf format (cross-referencing provisions of the new law with former law, and with the existing Davis-Stirling Act)
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Tentative Recommendations and Other Requests for Comment
- Tentative Rec. -- Commercial and Industrial Common Interest Developments (February 2011)
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Meeting Minutes
- February 6, 2014 Meeting in Sacramento
- August 17, 2012 Meeting in Los Angeles
- August 11, 2011 Meeting in Sacramento
- June 9, 2011 Meeting in Sacramento
- February 10, 2011 Meeting in Sacramento
- October 14, 2010 Meeting in Sacramento
- August 19, 2010 Meeting in Sacramento
- February 25, 2010 Meeting in Sacramento
- August 28, 2009 Meeting in Sacramento
- June 10, 2009 Meeting in Sacramento
- April 23, 2009 Meeting in Sacramento
- December 11, 2008 Meeting in Burbank
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Staff Memoranda
- Memo 2014-9, Supp. 3 -- Common Interest Development Law (Public Comment) (02/06/2014)
- Memo 2014-9, Supp. 2 -- Common Interest Development Law (Public Comment) (02/04/2014)
- Memo 2014-9, Supp. 1 -- Common Interest Development Law (Public Comment) (1/31/2014)
- Memo 2014-9 -- Common Interest Development Law (Public Comment) (1/27/2014)
- Memo 2013-34, Supp. 1 -- 2013 Legislative Program (Status Report) (7/31/2013)
- Memo 2013-10, Supp. 1 -- 2013 Legislative Program (Status Report) (04/09/2013)
- Memo 2012-32 -- Common Interest Developments: Commercial and Industrial Associations (Draft of Recommendation) (08/06/2012)
- Memo 2011-34, Supp. 2 -- Common Interest Developments: Commercial and Industrial Associations (Draft of Recommendation) (11/18/2011)
- Memo 2011-34, Supp. 1 -- Common Interest Developments: Commercial and Industrial Associations (Draft of Recommendation) (11/09/2011)
- Memo 2011-34 -- Common Interest Developments: Commercial and Industrial Associations (Draft of Recommendation) (10/25/2011)
- Memo 2011-30 -- Common Interest Developments: Commercial and Industrial Associations (Comments on Tentative Recommendation) (8/3/2011)
- Memo 2011-21, Supp. 2 -- Common Interest Developments: Commercial and Industrial Associations (Comments on Tentative Recommendation) (06/09/2011)
- Memo 2011-21, Supp. 1 -- Common Interest Developments: Commercial and Industrial Associations (Comments on Tentative Recommendation) (06/07/2011)
- Memo 2011-21 -- Common Interest Developments: Commercial and Industrial Associations (Comments on Tentative Recommendation) (06/01/2011)
- Memo 2011-20 -- 2011 Legislative Program: Status Report (05/25/2011)
- Memo 2011-6 -- Commercial and Industrial Common Interest Developments (01/28/2011)
- Memo 2010-45 -- Common Interest Developments: Statutory Clarification and Simplification of CID Law (Further Public Comment) (10/01/2010)
- Memo 2010-37, Supp. 1 -- Common Interest Development Law: Nonresidential Associations (Discussion of Issues) (08/19/2010)
- Memo 2010-37 -- Common Interest Development Law: Nonresidential Associations (Discussion of Issues) (08/11/2010)
- Memo 2010-10 -- Common Interest Development Law: Nonresidential Associations (Proposed Legislation) (2/18/2010)
- Memo 2009-32, Supp. 2 -- Common Interest Development Law: Nonresidential Associations (Discussion of Issues) (08/28/2009)
- Memo 2009-32, Supp. 1 -- Common Interest Development Law: Nonresidential Associations (Discussion of Issues) (08/20/2009)
- Memo 2009-32 -- Common Interest Development Law: Nonresidential Associations (Discussion of Issues) (08/19/2009)
- Memo 2009-24, Supp. 2 -- Common Interest Development Law: Nonresidential Associations (Discussion of Issues) (06/10/2009)
- Memo 2009-24, Supp. 1 -- Common Interest Development Law: Nonresidential Associations (Discussion of Issues) (06/8/2009)
- Memo 2009-24 -- Common Interest Development Law: Nonresidential Associations (Discussion of Issues) (05/29/2009)
- Memo 2009-18, Supp. 1 -- Common Interest Development Law: Nonresidential Associations (Public Comment) (04/17/2009)
- Memo 2009-18 -- Common Interest Development Law: Nonresidential Associations (Discussion of Issues) (04/10/2009)
- Memo 2008-63, Supp. 2 -- Common Interest Development Law: Nonresidential Associations (Scope and Methodology of Study) (12/11/2008)
- Memo 2008-63, Supp. 1 -- Common Interest Development Law: Nonresidential Associations (Scope and Methodology of Study) (12/08/2008)
- Memo 2008-63 -- Common Interest Development Law: Nonresidential Associations (Scope and Methodology of Study) (12/02/2008)
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