-- Last revised 6/14/24 --
Jurisdictional Limits for Small Claims and Limited Civil Cases - Study J-1321
At the direction of the Legislature (Gov't Code § 70219), the Commission
and the Judicial Council are jointly reexamining civil procedure in light of trial court unification.
The phase of the study now in progress focuses on the jurisdictional limits for small claims cases
and limited civil cases.
A consulting firm hired by the Judicial Council, Policy Studies Inc.,
conducted empirical research on this point and prepared a background
study summarizing its findings. The Commission considered the background study and other
information in developing a tentative recommendation,
which was circulated for comment. After considering the comments on the tentative recommendation
and making efforts to achieve greater consensus, the Commission put the study on hold until the
state budget situation improves or other developments suggest that further work would be productive.
The goal of this study is to finalize a joint proposal with the Judicial
Council for introduction in the Legislature. The procedure for this joint study was developed
through discussions between Commission staff and attorneys with the Administrative Office of the
Courts. The procedure was tested in the study of Unnecessary Procedural
Differences Between Limited and Unlimited Civil Cases (Study J-1320).
Related Material
Tentative Recommendations and Other Requests for Comment
- Tentative Rec. -- Jurisdictional Limits of Small Claims Cases and Limited Civil Cases (December 2002)
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Meeting Minutes
- November 18, 2005 Meeting in Oakland
- September 17, 2004 Meeting in Oakland
- February 6, 2004 Meeting in Sacramento
- September 18-19, 2003 Meeting in Burbank
- December 13, 2002 Meeting in Burbank
- November 7-8, 2002 Meeting in Los Angeles
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Staff Memoranda
- Memo 2011-36 -- Jurisdictional Limits for Small Claims and Limited Civil Cases (Status Report) (11/18/2011)
- Memo 2010-40 -- 2010 Legislative Program: Status of Bills (10/05/2010)
- Memo 2005-41 -- Jurisdictional Limits of Small Claims and Limited Civil Cases (Staff Report) (11/4/2005)
- Memo 2004-40 -- Jurisdictional Limits of Small Claims and Limited Civil Cases (Report of Judicial Council Activities) (9/14/2004)
- Memo 2004-3, Supp. 1 -- Jurisdictional Limits of Small Claims Cases and Limited Civil Cases (Meeting with Insurance Groups) (2/2/2004)
- Memo 2004-3 -- Jurisdictional Limits of Small Claims Cases and Limited Civil Cases (Progress Report) (1/21/2004)
- Memo 2003-20, Supp. 2 -- Jurisdictional Limits for Small Claims and Limited Civil Cases (Additional Comments on Tentative Recommendation) (9/30/2003)
- Memo 2003-20 -- Jurisdictional Limits for Small Claims and Limited Civil Cases (Comments on Tentative Recommendation) (9/10/2003)
- Memo 2003-20, Supp. 1 -- Jurisdictional Limits for Small Claims and Limited Civil Cases (Comments on Tentative Recommendation) (9/10/2003)
- Memo 2003-22 -- Jurisdictional Limits for Small Claims and Limited Civil Cases: Constitutional Issues (8/8/2003)
- Memo 2002-61, Supp. 1 -- Jurisdictional Limits of Small Claims Cases and Limited Civil Cases: Comments of Cara Vonk (12/11/2002)
- Memo 2002-61 -- Jurisdictional Limits of Small Claims Cases and Limited Civil Cases (Draft of Tentative Recommendation) (12/3/2002)
- Memo 2002-53, Supp. 1 -- Jurisdictional Limits for Small Claims and Limited Civil Cases: Comments of Judge Duncan on the Small Claims Limit (11/4/2002)
- Memo 2002-53 -- Jurisdictional Limits for Small Claims and Limited Civil Cases (Discussion of Issues) (10/23/2002)
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Background Study
- Background Study -- Report on the California Three Track Civil Litigation Study (July 2002)