-- Last revised 01/03/24 --
Criminal Sentencing - Study M-200
In 1999 the Commission received legislative authorization to study whether
"the law governing criminal sentencing should be revised, nonsubstantively, to reorganize and clarify
the sentencing procedure statutes in order to make them more logical and understandable." 1999 Cal.
Stat. res. ch. 81.
The Commission decided to proceed on a narrow front -- it would reorganize
only a small part of the sentencing laws as a test case. If the limited reorganization proved
acceptable, work would proceed in other areas as well.
Response to the Commission's efforts was negative. Commentators disputed the
need for reorganization and asserted that the costs associated with section renumbering would far
outweigh any benefit. The Commission decided against proceeding further with nonsubstantive
reorganization efforts. Work on this study has been suspended.
The Commission was assisted in this study by Brian Gurwitz of the
Orange County District Attorney's Office, Mark E. Overland of Overland & Borenstein, Los Angeles,
David R. Ross, Woodland Hills; and the Hon. David S. Wesley of the Los Angeles Superior Court.
Related Material
Tentative Recommendations and Other Requests for Comment
- Tentative Rec. -- Criminal Sentencing: Weapon and Injury Enhancements (March 2001)
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Meeting Minutes
- November 7-8, 2002 Meeting in Los Angeles
- September 20-21, 2001 Meeting in San Francisco
- March 29-30, 2001 Meeting in Sacramento
- December 14-15, 2000 Meeting in Los Angeles
- July 20-21, 2000 Meeting in San Diego
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Staff Memoranda
- Memo 2002-47, Supp. 1 -- Criminal Sentencing Statutes (Consultant Comment) (9/9/2002)
- Memo 2002-47 -- Criminal Sentencing Statutes (Discussion of Issues) (7/25/2002)
- Memo 2001-91, Supp. 1 -- Criminal Sentencing Statutes (Comments of California District Attorneys Association) (11/14/2001)
- Memo 2001-91 -- Criminal Sentencing Statutes (11/6/2001)
- Memo 2001-69, Supp. 1 -- Criminal Sentencing Statutes (Comments on Tentative Recommendation) (8/24/2001)
- Memo 2001-69 -- Criminal Sentencing Statutes (Comments on Tentative Recommendation) (8/8/2001)
- Memo 2001-27 -- Criminal Sentencing Statutes (Draft Tentative Recommendation) (3/6/2001)
- Memo 2000-85 -- Criminal Sentencing Statutes (11/6/2000)
- Memo 2000-52 -- Criminal Sentencing Statutes: Consultants' Report (7/7/2000)