-- Last revised 8/6/24 --
Technical and Minor Substantive Statutory Corrections - Study T-100
Government Code Section 8298 authorizes the Commission to study and recommend revisions to correct technical or minor substantive statutory defects. Materials relating to such technical reforms are collected below.
Related Material
- Legislation
- Final Recommendation
- Tentative Recommendation
- Commission Decisions (Meeting Minutes)
- Staff Memoranda
2014: Assembly Bill 2747 (Committee on Judiciary)
[Enacted as 2014 Cal. Stat. ch. 913] -
2009: Assembly Bill 176 (Silva) [References to Recording Technology]
[Enacted as 2009 Cal. Stat. ch. 88] -
2007: Assembly Bill 2299 (Silva) [References to Recording Technology]
[Not Enacted] -
2007: Assembly Bill 310 (Silva) [Technical corrections]
[Enacted as 2007 Cal. Stat. ch. 263]
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Final Recommendation
- Recommendation -- Technical and Minor Substantive Statutory Corrections (December 2013)
- Recommendation -- Technical and Minor Substantive Statutory Corrections: References to Recording Technology (December 2007)
- Recommendation -- Technical and Minor Substantive Statutory Corrections (2006)
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Tentative Recommendations and Other Requests for Comment
- Tentative Rec. --
Technical and Minor Substantive Corrections: Health and Safety Code Section 131052 (October 2018)
- Tentative Rec. --
Technical and Minor Substantive Statutory Corrections (April 2013)
- Tentative Rec. --
Technical and Minor Substantive Statutory Corrections: References to Recording Technology
(April 2007)
- Tentative Rec. --
Technical and Minor Substantive Statutory Corrections (April 2006)
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Meeting Minutes
- May 30, 2019 Meeting in Sacramento
- April 4, 2019 Meeting in Sacramento
- October 11, 2018 Meeting in Sacramento
- August 17, 2018 Meeting in Burbank
- December 13, 2013 Meeting in San Diego
- April 11, 2013 Meeting in Sacramento
- December 13-14, 2007 Meeting in Burbank
- April 26, 2007 Meeting in Sacramento
- August 18, 2006 Meeting in Burbank
- April 27, 2006 Meeting in Sacramento
- February 23, 2006 Meeting in Sacramento
- November 18, 2005 Meeting in Oakland
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Staff Memoranda
- Memo 2019-37 -- California Salmon Marketing and Development Act (05/16/2019)
- Memo 2019-19 -- California Salmon Marketing and Development Act (03/28/2019)
- Memo 2019-14 -- Technical and Minor Substantive Statutory Corrections: Health and Safety Code Section 131052 (Public Comment) (01/30/2019)
- Memo 2018-51 -- Technical and Minor Substantive Corrections: Health and Safety Code Section 131052 (Draft Tentative Recommendation) (08/29/2018)
- Memo 2018-35 -- Technical and Minor Substantive Corrections: Health and Safety Code Section 131052 (05/17/2018)
- Memo 2013-52, Supp. 1 -- Technical and Minor Substantive Statutory Corrections (Other Issues) (11/27/2013)
- Memo 2013-52 -- Technical and Minor Substantive Statutory Corrections (Comments on Tentative Recommendation) (08/21/2013)
- Memo 2013-16 -- Technical and Minor Substantive Corrections (03/29/2013)
- Memo 2009-1 -- 2009 Legislative Program: Status of Bills (2/13/2009)
- Memo 2008-44 -- 2008 Legislative Program: Final Report (10/15/2008)
- Memo 2008-12 -- 2008 Legislative Program: Status of Bills (05/29/2008)
- Memo 2007-43, Supp. 2 -- Technical and Minor Substantive Statutory Corrections: References to Recording Technology (Comments on Tentative Recommendation) (12/12/2007)
- Memo 2007-43, Supp. 1 -- Technical and Minor Substantive Statutory Corrections: References to Recording Technology (Comments on Tentative Recommendation) (10/19/2007)
- Memo 2007-43 -- Technical and Minor Substantive Statutory Corrections: References to Recording Technology (Comments on Tentative Recommendation) (9/27/2007)
- Memo 2007-16 -- Technical and Minor Substantive Statutory Corrections: Obsolete References to Recording Technology (Draft of Tentative Recommendation) (4/20/2007)
- Memo 2006-34 -- Technical and Minor Substantive Statutory Corrections (Comments on Tentative Recommendation) (8/2/2006)
- Memo 2006-14 -- Technical and Minor Substantive Statutory Corrections (Draft of Tentative Recommendation) (4/11/2006)
- Memo 2006-10, Supp. 1 -- Technical and Minor Substantive Statutory Corrections (Discussion of Issues) (1/31/06)
- Memo 2006-10 -- Technical and Minor Substantive Statutory Corrections (Discussion of Issues) (12/19/2005)
- Memo 2005-40 -- Technical and Minor Substantive Statutory Corrections (11/4/05)